AGF PLAN TV is AGF Videoforschung’s software for planning TV ad campaigns. It is a tool for comparative evaluation of campaigns and for identifying planning alternatives, and also to calculate costs of media plans and to perform ex-post evaluation of plans that have already run.
It calculates common performance values such as net and gross reach, CPM-C, and the average number of contacts for scheduling units of varying granularity down to the quarter-hour of a week day (monthly average).

AGF TV CONTROL is AGF Videoforschung’s software for integrated planning and control of television advertising campaigns. It is used for precise evaluation of past, current, or scheduled television campaigns.
Add-ons allow direct access to the buying volumes of media agencies and common databases about gross ad spending.
Campaigns are evaluated with all common performance values such as net audience share, GRP, and CPM-C, and are planned on the basis of commercial breaks or timelines or by programme environment. An optimizing function allows rapid scheduling according to planning targets.