AGF REACH PLANNER® has been developed as a web-based system for strategic planning of TV and video and is available to the market since 01/01/2023. Convergence data from the AGF video measurement are combined as occupancy units at a high level of aggregation in a planning process to determine incremental and exclusive performance of distribution channels. AGF REACH PLANNER® is provided as a "Software as a Service" version. The software is used via web browser without local installation on the user's own hardware. As a web-based tool, AGF REACH PLANNER® can be accessed anytime and from anywhere, as long as there is a connection to the internet and this is almost independent of the hardware used.
AGF REACH PLANNER® supports the user in the creation of convergent performance plans and determines the costs of combined TV and streaming offers and the plan performance of common performance criteria such as net and gross reach, CPM, average contacts for a set of target groups. On a strategic level (marketer, advertising medium, offer), the booking units can be freely combined and their use controlled via price or performance specifications. Automatisms support the user in the targeted determination of the most powerful combination of offers. Analyses of breaks and summaries of offers calculate partial performances of the created plans and display them graphically.