Welcome to the service area of AGF Videoforschung. Here, you will find contact options as well as current information about AGF and AGF’s events.

At AGF Videoforschung you have access to a competent team for all questions concerning methods, measurement, technologies, the data and its use.

Press area
The press section contains press releases, head shots and press releases from AGF’s management available for download, as well as the option to be added to the press distribution list.

From A for AGF Videoforschung to Z for zapping, the most important technical terms in video research are explained here.

An interest in video, excitement for market research, a passion for data in a rapidly changing market: these are the things that set our team apart at AGF Videoforschung.

AGF holds several information events a year on location regarding the current status of its research. You are invited to an exchange of knowledge with recognized experts and for networking.

Video is everything – and not just at AGF Videoforschung. Here you find a selection of exciting industry events around the year.