Follow the Content. AGF Videoforschung is in the lead when it comes to measuring TV and online video coverage.
We’ve been refining our methods and measuring instruments for decades, in order to provide comprehensive information on how, when and where video is watched in Germany. How many women in Hessen with Abitur (A levels) aged 20-29, who have a garden and a pet, watched the news last Thursday on TV and in media libraries? AGF knows. Because we measure coverage. Every day, every hour, every second.
In AGF Viewtime we present our latest and most important projects. We let advertisers, agencies, video providers, TV broadcasters and other experts have their say, since all of them play their part in helping us follow our compass bearing.
Follow the Content is our goal, Total Video is our universe: TV programming, online videos and advertising.
Enjoy the show!

AGF Update: Overview of current projects
AGF Managing Director Anke Weber gave a brief overview of AGF's current projects at the asi conference, including the integration of Return Path Data and X-Reach, which is testing the extension of measurement to non-video content.

X-Reach tests measurement of non-video content (German)
In the X-Reach project (working title was "Video+"), the AGF is testing the measurement of non-video content. This is the AGF's response to a pressing market demand to measure TV and digital from a single source.

Extreme ski mountaineer Benedikt Böhm (German)
Corona once again showed how important it is to make decisions in difficult times. Extreme ski mountaineer and Dynafit managing director Benedikt Böhm talks about the right pace, the art of leaving things out and dealing with extreme situations.

Follow the Campaign determines cross-media reach (German)
How does a TV and video campaign perform on different channels? One answer is provided by the project "Follow the Campaign - with Nielsen Digital Ad Ratings" to measure the cross-media coverage of video campaigns.

Changing TV: Children and young people set trends (German)
GenZ is considered one of the most exciting but also most difficult target groups when it comes to describing or forecasting media behavior. In "AGF GenZ - a video study", Kantar researched the use of video and usage motives of 3 to 17-year-olds on behalf of AGF.