The AGF Smart Meter project

Since 2019, AGF Videoforschung has been increasingly equipping TV panel households with measurement router technology developed by GfK. The project is a high priority in order to expand the panel into the AGF Video Panel. On the one hand, AGF wants to continuously expand the single-source core and connect further data sources. On the other hand, the technology used offers the added value of fully recording in-home video usage across different devices in perspective. With the integration of the routers, AGF is successively closing measurement gaps and obtaining more links to the digital panels for streaming measurement that Nielsen operates for AGF.

Download AGF Smart Meter Report January 2025

Download AGF Smart Meter Report December 2024

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Download AGF Smart Meter Report September 2024

Download AGF Smart Meter Report August 2024

Download AGF Smart Meter Report July 2024


Aim of the report

The demand for reliable data on the usage of streaming platforms is high. Through its measurement router technology, AGF can also capture the usage of streaming services that do not actively participate in AGF measurement. In July 2020, AGF published measurement data from its Smart Meter project for the first time, focusing on the usage of selected platforms on Smart TVs. The data is presented at a highly aggregated level, meaning it reflects the overall usage of the platform. Unlike active Nielsen measurement, it is not possible to measure individual series or shows or to create content units for marketing purposes.



The monthly report is published on the 10th of the following month. The report only shows data for usage on smart TV devices for the platforms. AGF thus shows how the offerings of the streaming services are viewed on the big screen. This usage is compared with the usage for all TV content measured by AGF on the TV set. The projection used ensures that the router Households for all potential active smart TV HHs are in the AGF panel. However, the performance values are calculated on the basis of the entire AGF panel.


Key figures

The average viewing time in minutes per day is shown and, since November 2021, also the daily net reach and dwell times.

  • Ø viewing duration (min.) describes the average viewing time of the reporting base or the target group per day.
  • duration (min.) indicates the average viewing time of the users per day. It only includes those who have actually used the service.
  • Net coverage (m./%) (NRW) indicates the number and proportion of people who were reached at least once per day by a moving image content (programme, advertisement, time segment, video)


Target groups

The seven target groups E14+, E14-29, E 30-49, E50+, E14-49, M14+, F14+ are reported on.


Streaming services in the report

The platforms currently in the report are Netflix, Amazon, YouTube and Disney+. Other platforms will be included if they show an average daily viewing duration on the smart TV of at least one minute.


Key assets of the project

1. no survey data, but hard measurement data

Unlike other studies that ask about the usage of Netflix & Co, the AGF research is based on independent measurement. Survey studies - such as the AGF platform study - always serve to provide additional validation and supplementation.

2. measurement of smart TV devices - survey at person level

The router data - analogous to that of linear TV usage in the AGF panel - is collected at household and person level, since panel members log on and off individually. Co-viewing is thus also mapped. With this project, the AGF is building up and expanding the single-source core in its own panel. The resulting important overlapping information is also needed for other convergence projects, such as cross-platform campaign measurement.

This also provides the demographic information that is so important for the market in order to be able to make a reliable statement about the video use of different target groups. Such information is essential for programme makers and advertisers and has not been available on this basis in the market so far.

3. Passive metering provides an overview of streaming providers and and provides comparable, unified measurement data at the overall offering level

AGF Smart Meter works with passive measurement. This means that no intervention by the streaming providers is necessary for this measurement. AGF Smart Meter thus provides a good overview of the relevance and performance of individual offers on the German streaming market.

AGF Smart Meter is thus a complementary measurement project to the already established AGF Streaming Measurement with Nielsen. The latter requires the active cooperation of the streaming providers through the integration of Nielsen's measurement software. Through this measurement, granular data on the use of concrete content, e.g. the title of the content, is obtained, which is used for other important projects, such as the connection to TV, in accordance with the motto 'Follow the Content'.